Author Louis Harrison

Lou and Linda Harrison

Lou and Linda Harrison have ministered to the military for nearly fifty years through Cadence International—an organization dedicated solely to the purpose of “sharing the Gospel and our lives with the military community.” 

Out of these years of relationships with military people, Lou has composed a thoughtful and tender exposition of the warrior’s soul. Cadence International joins him in dedicating this book to every one of our country’s warriors and to their family and friends who walk lovingly and faithfully beside them.

Background information

Following four years of Bible training at Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta, Canada, Lou and Linda joined OCSC/Cadence lnternational in May 1966. Their first 4 1/2 years of service overseas included time in Vietnam, Philippines, and Thailand.

Lou then graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a BA in Psychology. This was followed by two years in retreat ministry for solders in basic training in Missouri.

Following this came three years of ministry to Army and Air Force troops in Germany and four years in Vicenza, Italy. Next, Lou completed an MA in Biblical Counseling at Grace Theological seminary, which was followed by 13 years as Director of Asia-Pacific Ministries for Cadence. Returning next to direct ministry to troops, the Harrisons served the soldiers and families of the Army's 10th Mountain Division at Ft. Drum, NY, for 4 1/2 years.

This was followed by 4 1/2 years ministering to the Marines an Sailors of Camp Pendleton, CA. Currently, Lou and Linda are Cadence Ambassadors ("retired"), but continuing active online ministry to veteran and active duty members of the armed forces.

Lou's book, Tending The Warrior Soul, is written as a resource for those ministering to combat veterans in the U.S., Canada, and others nations.